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Sister Spotlights

- Meet some of our sisters! Currently featured are our NEOs and Grads -

Spring 2023 NEO


-,’ Neo Spotlight ‘,-
Nina "β•ITUIN" Alejandro
Year: Freshman
Major: Health Sciences-Intended Nursing
Fun Fact: I do oil paintings
👩‍👧Big Sis: Lah “a•STRO” Htoo
🌷Why APhiG?
“Well, I really didn’t expect that I would be interested in certain organizations because it was not part of my plan to go into Greek life. But, APhiG was the first one who showed me openness and I felt really welcomed when I am with them. They taught me how to be more confident and to not doubt my abilities. Their sense of humor is always on point (they’re so funny!) as well as their unconditional support and love for me. I will always be grateful to be with them 💕”

Spring 2023 Grads


Jessica "Cascade" Hing, M.B.A in Business Administration
Meryl "SHATTER-proof" Hansana, M.B.A. in Business Administration
Lizahira "ÖDISEA" Cadenas, B.A. in Psychology with a Minor in Sociology
Ahyen "hinata" Labanan, M.S. in Education, Higher Education and Student Affairs
Nani "kA7SUYU." Quezada, M.S. in Education, Higher Education and Student Affairs
Mariah "ASH-la" Emark, M.S. in Education, Higher Education and Student Affairs
Muharisa "hi-RAYa" Pangadil, B.A. in Political Science - International Politics and Public Law and B.A. in Nonprofit and NGO Studies

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